About Us

Pawfect Birmans, established in 2017, is a small cattery located in Cherry Hill, NJ. I had my first two Birmans growing up, after my parents went to a cat show and fell in love with the breed. Then, I acquired my own Birman, Leo. He was so beautiful and had such a great disposition, I asked Leo’s breeder about showing him. I took Leo to many shows and he became a Grand Premier within his first year of being shown. Since I was enjoying Leo so much, I decided to get Leo and I a new friend, Morrie. Leo and Morrie became best friends the first time they met. Morrie, too, is now a Grand Premier and a Regional Winner for two consecutive years and continued to go to shows with me. After attending many shows, I became friends with many Birman breeders. I met Carol List, of Voijer Birmans, and she became my mentor. After much discussion, I decided that I would like to breed Birmans, so that I may share the enjoyment and companionship they provide to others. Carol afforded me the opportunity to obtain my first Queen, Voijer’s Omorose of Pawfect, or Rosie, as I called her.
Unfortunately, Rosie was unsuccessful at having kittens.
After hearing about what happened with Rosie, Debra Weiner of Luvs2Purr Birmans wanted me to have my new Queen, Luvs2Purr’s Pearl of Pawfect. Pearl was born December 12, 2018. She said she didn’t want me to wait until another Queen was available. Pearl is my only Queen.
I am looking forward to this new venture and hope to bestow many people with Pawfect Birmans!